I woke up at 3:30am on Friday morning to set off to the airport, as I was to spend my weekend in a place called Le Muy which is somewhere near Nice and St Tropez in the south of France. Sorry about that.. There was good weather in England though, so I didn't feel too guilty.
I wont run through every single thing that went on over the weekend, but I will tell you that I had a marvellous time sitting in the sun, drinking wine, limoncello and anything going really. Ate brilliant food, listened to some jazz and had great company - though I was lacking in a certain Colombian, and lost out to my Uncle when we went head to head on the go-karts, the bastard.
Upon my return to London life, I discovered that unfortunately I'd lost another fish! Gavin II decided that he no longer had the will to carry on, and popped his proverbial clogs whilst I was away. I was never particularly attached to Gavin II, so wasn't exactly sad. In reality I missed Gavin I, so I have replaced Gavin II with a fish called Gavin III, who looks identical to Gavin I. We also purchased Eric II, replacing Eric I who left us a couple of weeks back.
So now our tank is Gavin III, Eric II and Cheese - who is about twice the size of the other two. Hopefully they'll be with us for a good while yet!
Look at them! Eric II is the orange and black one, Gavin III is white with an orange hat and Cheese is the orange whale.

So sad about Gav! Never mind, plenty more fish...xx